Luxury Travel Far Beyond Bookings: Inside Jaclyn Sienna India’s Exclusive Concierge World

When Jaclyn Sienna India launched Sienna Charles, her luxury travel concierge service, in 2008, she adopted a “fake it until you make it” approach. Initially, she faced skepticism from her husband as she juggled inquiries from potential clients while having no actual bookings. “Oh, I’m sorry, we’re so busy,” she would say, despite not yet having clients.

Fast forward 16 years, and India’s strategy has proven successful. She now serves a high-profile clientele that includes world leaders like former President George W. Bush and celebrities like Mariah Carey. Her clients are often individuals earning over $100 million a year, leaving one to wonder what unique offerings she provides that they cannot obtain themselves.

India emphasizes the importance of personalization and genuine care in her services. Drawing on her experience as a server, she understands the nuances of human interaction. “Paying attention and caring about those people is paramount,” she asserts.

Sienna Charles boasts a vast network within the hospitality sector, with over 2,000 connections that facilitate unique travel and dining experiences. India works closely with her clients to translate their visions into tangible experiences, addressing their needs for creativity, access, and time.

Her aim is not only to secure reservations at exclusive venues but also to ensure that the experiences are meaningful. For instance, she prefers to highlight dining experiences at places like Single Thread Farms over more conventional choices like the French Laundry.

India curates extraordinary events for her clients, such as candlelight dinners in Versailles and brunch on the Arc de Triomphe. She often combines meals with opportunities to meet influential figures, having arranged breakfasts with the Hermes family and lunches with the Fendi family in Rome.

Occasionally, clients desire the comforts of home. When Bush visited Ethiopia, India arranged for his favorite snacks, including peanut butter and non-alcoholic beer, ensuring he was welcomed by children wearing Texas Rangers baseball caps.

“I genuinely care about people,” India states, underscoring her commitment to finding authentic experiences rather than just luxurious ones for her clients. She interacts with everyone, from cab drivers to restaurant staff, to uncover the most interesting and heartfelt options.

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