Since the passing of Manmohan Singh on Thursday evening, many in India are reflecting on the profound impact of his leadership on the nation. Serving as Prime Minister from 2004 to 2014, Singh was a pivotal figure in shaping India’s economic landscape, often credited with initiating the economic liberalization that has transformed the country. As the first Sikh to hold the position and the first prime minister since Jawaharlal Nehru to win a second term, Singh was known for his calm demeanor and substantial expertise as an economist.
One of Singh’s most significant contributions came during his tenure as Finance Minister in 1991 when he confronted a severe economic crisis by spearheading reforms that deregulated the economy. Under his guidance, measures were taken to devalue the currency, reduce import tariffs, and privatize state-owned enterprises, helping to steer India away from potential collapse. His belief in the inevitability of ideas whose time has come was encapsulated in his famous quote during his 1991 budget speech. These reforms laid the groundwork for lifting millions out of poverty and positioned India as one of the fastest-growing economies in the world.
Despite starting his prime ministerial journey with hesitance, Singh’s effectiveness soon became evident. His government saw impressive growth rates, averaging around 8% GDP between 2004 and 2009 while also navigating India through the complexities of a coalition government. Despite facing criticism and allegations of corruption against some ministers in his later term, Singh maintained his integrity and expressed a belief that history would ultimately judge his contributions more favorably than contemporary opinion.
Singh’s administration also took significant strides in enhancing democracy in India through the enactment of laws that granted citizens more rights. He introduced the Right to Information Act, which empowered citizens to seek information from the government, the rural employment scheme that provided guaranteed work, and the Right to Education, which has drastically decreased dropout rates. Additionally, the Aadhar identification project was launched to improve financial inclusivity and welfare delivery, a program that continues to be pivotal under the current government.
Another significant moment in Singh’s tenure was his formal apology in Parliament in 2005 for the anti-Sikh riots of 1984. Acknowledging the devastating impact of the violence that ensued following Indira Gandhi’s assassination, his apology marked a historical moment of accountability that had not been previously extended by any leader of his party.
Lastly, Singh’s signature achievement in foreign policy came with the landmark nuclear deal with the United States in 2008, which brought an end to India’s nuclear isolation and opened new avenues for international cooperation.
In summary, Manmohan Singh’s leadership not only shaped India’s economic and political spheres but also fostered a more inclusive society. His legacy of resilience, reform, and healing offers hope for current and future leaders as they navigate the complexities of governance, aiming to fulfill the aspirations of a diverse and dynamic nation. As we remember Singh, it is a reminder of the positive change visionary leaders can bring to a country and its people.