The future of the “Dexter” franchise appears uncertain following the events of the sequel series, “New Blood,” which concluded with the apparent demise of the titular character, portrayed by Michael C. Hall. This storyline marked the culmination of Hall’s iconic role, which has captivated audiences for 15 years. While the franchise had begun to shift its focus towards Dexter’s son Harrison, the emergence of a prequel titled “Dexter: Original Sin” offers a new twist by revisiting and reimagining aspects of the series.
Set in 1991, “Original Sin” introduces a young Dexter, played by Patrick Gibson, who is navigating his early career as a police intern after graduating from the University of Miami. The show, overseen by original “Dexter” showrunner Clyde Phillips, attempts to create an engaging narrative by showcasing Dexter’s formative years. Interestingly, it also subverts the ending of “New Blood” by indicating that Dexter survived the shootout.
However, the prequel faces challenges from the outset, as diehard fans of the original series are already well-versed in Dexter’s history, filled with flashbacks and established lore that leaves little room for surprises. Although the introduction of characters like Detective Harry Morgan, played by Christian Slater, and the presence of familiar faces from the original series strives to rekindle nostalgia, it risks feeling repetitive rather than innovative.
“Original Sin” embraces a flashback-heavy format, featuring iconic scenes and character traits that are recognizable to avid viewers. Dexter’s early methods of disposing of his victims are established almost immediately, presenting a narrative that some may find unoriginal. The intention to present a sort of demented family dynamic is clear, yet without substantive new content, the series seems to recycle past elements.
Despite a few fresh insights and a glimpse into Harry’s past, much of what is presented mirrors previous content. Featuring well-known actors like Sarah Michelle Gellar and Patrick Dempsey lends a familiar air to the ensemble but may not breathe new life into a franchise that seems mired in nostalgia.
The first episode of “Dexter: Original Sin” is available for streaming on Paramount+ and will officially debut on Showtime on December 15 at 10 p.m. ET, with subsequent episodes released weekly.
Moving forward, this prequel may still find an audience eager to relive the Dexter experience, especially as the world of television continues to embrace nostalgia. Fans of the show may engage with the familiar characters and plotlines, hoping for new story arcs that can shine through the reexamination of the original series. Ultimately, “Original Sin” has the opportunity to enrich the Dexter saga while honoring its past.