The “Dexter” franchise faces a complex future following the conclusion of “New Blood,” where Michael C. Hall’s infamous character appeared to meet a tragic end. Despite the anticipated finale marking what seemed like a definitive closure for the antihero, Showtime has opted to revisit the past with the prequel series titled “Dexter: Original Sin.” This series reintroduces audiences to a younger Dexter, portrayed by Patrick Gibson, navigating his early days as an intern with the Miami police department.
“Original Sin” not only dives into Dexter’s formative years, set in 1991, but it also suggests that he may not have been as dead as viewers were led to believe, framing the narrative as a reflection of memories while he is under anesthesia. However, this revival inherently poses challenges, chiefly that fans already well-acquainted with Dexter’s backstory might find the repetitive structure redundant. Given that the original series heavily utilized flashbacks, there is a limited amount of new ground for “Original Sin” to cover.
The series attempts to recreate the familiar dynamics and characters from the original show. While some characters are reintroduced in a manner close to their original portrayals, like Detective Batista and Masuka, others like Maria LaGuerta receive a modestly developed backstory. Despite the nostalgic appeal, the show risks appearing as a rehash of earlier narratives, failing to inject fresh perspectives into Dexter’s early life and psyche.
Notably, while the storyline encompasses new elements featuring Dexter’s father Harry and his own history in the ’70s, these threads feel reminiscent of the original show’s narrative devices. As the series progresses, it could benefit from expanding its exploration of Dexter’s character development rather than relying on established lore and familiar tropes.
“Dexter: Original Sin” debuted on Paramount+ and is set to air on Showtime starting December 15 at 10 p.m. ET, with new episodes available weekly.
In summary, while “Dexter: Original Sin” aims to reinvigorate interest in the franchise, it struggles with redundancy in storytelling and character backstories. However, it still presents an opportunity for fans to revisit a beloved character. If approached with creativity and new angles, the franchise could potentially rekindle viewer excitement and explore deeper themes that resonate with both new and returning audiences.