“Carry-On” is an action-packed film set during the festive season that tells the story of an average TSA agent, Ethan Kopek, portrayed by Taron Egerton. The plot kicks into high gear on Christmas Eve when Ethan finds himself faced with a terrifying situation: a group of assassins led by the villain known as the Traveler, played by Jason Bateman, threaten to die if he does not allow a bomb-laden suitcase through airport security.
As the movie unfolds, Ethan evolves from a regular airport employee into a determined action hero. Egerton describes the film as reminiscent of ’90s action thrillers, highlighting how the engaging setup—where Ethan is coerced to respond and protect his girlfriend, Nora (played by Sofia Carson)—immediately captivates the audience.
The climax of “Carry-On” escalates when Ethan takes extreme measures to thwart the villain’s plan. In a heart-pounding finale, he commandeers a belt loader to pursue the plane carrying the bomb in the cargo hold. The tension reaches its peak when Ethan, bleeding and injured, manages to confound the Traveler. Following a gripping confrontation in the cargo space, Ethan musters the courage to disable the bomb, and in a clever twist, traps the Traveler, resulting in his demise as Ethan finally takes control of the dire situation.
The film ends on a hopeful note, with Ethan and Nora ready to start a family, representing love and resilience even in the midst of chaos. A flash-forward scene shows the couple, now parents, embarking on a dream vacation to Tahiti, underscoring the film’s themes of perseverance and the fulfillment of dreams, even after monumental challenges.
Egerton expressed hopes for a potential sequel, suggesting that there should be an innovative approach to continue the story. He also emphasized the film’s correlation to Christmas, stating his belief that it embodies the spirit of the season alongside classic holiday movies like “Die Hard.”
In summary, “Carry-On” combines action and holiday charm, making for a thrilling cinematic experience that resonates with audiences during the festive period while exploring themes of bravery, love, and achieving one’s aspirations against all odds. This film is likely to garner interest not only for its thrilling plot but also for its optimistic message about familial bonds and the enduring spirit of the holidays.