“Carry-On” is a thrilling action film set during the festive season, presenting a gripping tale as an average Joe, Ethan Kopek, portrayed by Taron Egerton, leaps into heroism to save not only his girlfriend, Nora, played by Sofia Carson, but also countless other lives from a group of menacing villains.
In a high-stakes scenario, a bomb-filled suitcase threatens to cause havoc on one of the busiest travel days of the year, Christmas Eve. The plot thickens as Ethan, a TSA agent, finds himself blackmailed by the Traveler, played by Jason Bateman, who threatens his girlfriend’s life unless Ethan permits the suitcase through security. Cueing an unexpected transformation, Ethan evolves from a routine TSA agent into a determined action hero, reminiscent of iconic characters such as John McClane.
Egerton describes the unique thrill of the film, likening it to a ‘90s action-thriller. It follows Ethan as he endures twists and turns, culminating in a desperate chase to save those on board an airplane from the impending danger posed by the bomb. As the tension escalates, viewers watch him grapple with his past insecurities, revealing his growth amid chaos.
In an exhilarating climax, Ethan confronts the Traveler aboard the plane, where a fierce struggle ensues, giving way to profound revelations and personal reckonings. With his girlfriend’s life hanging in the balance and pressure mounting, Ethan makes critical decisions, demonstrating his commitment to those he loves.
Post-adventure, the film encapsulates a heartwarming epilogue that finds Ethan and Nora starting a family and embarking on their dream vacation to Tahiti, symbolizing hope, new beginnings, and the fulfillment of dreams.
The film concludes with an uplifting message about pursuing one’s dreams, particularly resonant during the holiday season—reminding audiences that it’s never too late to change their path. Egerton expresses openness to a potential sequel, hinting at more adventures for the beloved characters, while also affirming “Carry-On” as a Christmas movie, reinforcing the interconnectedness of festive narratives and the spirit of the season.
This film not only delivers action and conflict but also emphasizes personal growth, resilience, and the celebration of love, making it a heartwarming addition to the holiday spirit.