This holiday season, “Carpool Karaoke” is spreading festive cheer with its inaugural Christmas special titled “A Carpool Karaoke Christmas.” Premiering on Apple TV, the episode features performances from music icons Dua Lipa, Chappell Roan, and Lady Gaga, each taking a solo ride with host Zane Lowe in different cities.
The format echoes the original entertaining segment from James Corden’s “The Late Late Show,” which has brought forth countless memorable moments and led to the show’s evolution into a full series. With the show’s signature approach of showcasing celebrity artists as relatable figures, viewers can expect high-spirited performances and intimate discussions.
In the special, Chappell Roan kicks things off with a nostalgic drive through Missouri alongside her parents. During their time together, she performs “Pink Pony Club,” prompting emotional reflections from her parents about their pride and support for her journey in music. Roan shares valuable insights into her upbringing and the bittersweet nature of leaving home for her career.
Dua Lipa takes the spotlight next, as Lowe drives her through Tokyo. This segment features a mix of her hits like “New Rules” and fresh Christmas music. Lipa delves into her experiences with love and breakups, connecting with fans who find solace in her empowering breakup anthems.
Lady Gaga rounds out the special with a drive in Los Angeles, where she celebrates the holiday spirit with songs from her extensive repertoire, including her 2008 hit “Christmas Tree.” The segment features a delightful surprise when AC/DC’s Brian Johnson joins them for a brief interlude, highlighting the fun atmosphere of the show. The episode concludes with Gaga collaborating with Lowe on a grunge-rock version of “Santa Claus is Coming to Town,” now available on all streaming platforms.
Zane Lowe expressed his excitement about the special, recalling the fun he had driving some of the music industry’s most exciting artists. This holiday special serves not just as entertainment, but also as a celebration of music, love, and the connections that transcend the stage.
This Christmas special presents an excellent opportunity for fans to celebrate the holiday spirit with their favorite artists while gaining insight into their lives and careers, making it a must-watch for music lovers this season.
In summary, “A Carpool Karaoke Christmas” is a heartwarming blend of festive music, personal stories, and celebrity camaraderie that exemplifies the joy of the holiday season while celebrating the talents of prominent artists.