The “Today” show has bid farewell to one of its beloved anchors, Hoda Kotb, who has graced the NBC airwaves for nearly twenty years, including the last six as co-anchor. Last Friday marked her emotional send-off, celebrated by her colleagues and fans alike, turning the episode into a heartfelt tribute dubbed “Hoda-palooza.”
Throughout the broadcast, familiar faces such as Al Roker, Craig Melvin, Savannah Guthrie, Jenna Bush Hager, and surprise appearances from former co-host Kathie Lee Gifford brought warmth and nostalgia to the occasion. Gifford, who appeared in a video tribute, expressed her affection for Kotb, referring to her as “sunshine in a bottle” and emphasizing the deep bond they shared.
The day was filled with emotional farewells and celebrations, capped by a unique gift from Jimmy Fallon—a framed piece of the carpeting from 30 Rockefeller Center. Both Fallon and Guthrie shared personal anecdotes, highlighting Kotb’s genuine personality and her journey of growth in front of the camera.
The studio glittered in lavender hues, symbolizing support and celebration for Kotb as she transitioned into this new phase of her life. Guests like Gayle King joined the colorful send-off, presenting Kotb with playful gifts, while Walker Hayes performed a song he co-wrote with Kotb, reflecting on life’s simple yet treasured moments.
In an emotional letter to viewers, Kotb expressed gratitude for the support she has received over the years, emphasizing that her decision to leave was rooted in personal reflection and a desire to embrace new adventures. She acknowledged her intention to prioritize time with her children and delve into wellness projects, which she has been passionate about throughout her career.
The departure signifies not just the end of an era but also the beginning of a fresh chapter for Kotb, whose contributions to the “Today” show have left an indelible mark. As Kotb embarks on her new journey, there is a palpable sense of hope and excitement about the possibilities that lie ahead, both for her and for the show’s future as Craig Melvin steps into the anchor role alongside Savannah Guthrie.
This farewell showcases the deep connections forged within the “Today” family, an unbreakable bond that has captivated audiences for years. As viewers look forward to the changes, they can take comfort in knowing that Kotb’s spirit of joy and authenticity will continue to influence and inspire beyond the show.