Hillary Shines as Bill Takes a Backseat at DNC

When Bill Clinton took the stage at the Democratic National Convention at the United Center, he received a warm reception fitting for a former president who held office twice. However, the applause he received was not as vigorous or prolonged as that of his wife, Hillary Clinton, who spoke earlier in the week.

Even after nearly 25 years since leaving the White House, Bill Clinton remains an admired figure within many areas of the Democratic Party. His speech included moments that energized the crowd, using humor reminiscent of his earlier days. He quipped to the audience about Donald Trump, saying, “don’t count the lies. Count the I’s.” Nevertheless, he was overshadowed by Hillary, who delivered a more impactful address characterized by her sharp and motivating delivery. Hillary praised Kamala Harris as a trailblazer capable of breaking through significant barriers and made a pointed remark about Trump, stating, “We have him on the run now.”

As Democrats have begun to move past the heartbreak of Hillary’s 2016 presidential defeat, she has transformed into a more prominent draw than Bill among the younger Democratic audience present in Chicago. Many Gen Z Democrats feel a stronger connection to Hillary; those in their early twenties were born after Bill’s presidency. Hillary’s candidacy in 2016 and the subsequent Women’s March have been pivotal in shaping their political awakening. One young voter remarked that Hillary “paved the way for a lot of the organizing that’s happening now.”

In 2016, Hillary was not the first choice for younger Democrats, who largely supported Senator Bernie Sanders. However, her stature has grown among the current wave of young Democrats. At an event before the convention, excitement for Hillary was palpable, with one attendee proclaiming she would “riot” if she didn’t see Hillary speak. The frustration stemming from her loss to Trump has evolved into respect for her resilience, with Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow praising Hillary’s bravery for putting a woman on a presidential ticket.

During a convention event hosted by the youth organization Voters of Tomorrow, a young city council member shared his favorite moment from the event when Hillary spoke. It was not President Biden’s heartfelt closing remarks or Ocasio-Cortez’s support of Harris that stood out to him; rather, it was Hillary’s response to chants of “Lock him up!” directed at Trump. She paused for a beat, then nodded along with the crowd, eliciting joy among the attendees.

Traditionally, Bill Clinton has provided thrilling moments at the DNC, having participated in every convention since 1980, but his return this week wasn’t met with the same excitement. In previous years, his speeches dominated, but now his appearances have been diminished in significance. Recently, he was relegated to a short video presentation due to the pandemic in 2020, which also highlighted the evolving perceptions of his past controversies in light of the #MeToo movement.

The current attitude of Gen Z towards Bill Clinton appears less fervent, as many expressed their greater excitement for Hillary. Some young attendees admitted they were unfamiliar with Bill’s history. There were minimal complaints about his presence; discussions about his past behavior had lessened, and most attendees felt comfortable with his return to the spotlight.

While Bill’s speech was longer than Hillary’s, questions arose about his command of the stage and content. He reportedly revised his speech to convey a more joyful tone after seeing Hillary’s performance. However, he deviated from his script upon beginning his speech, and his delivery sometimes faltered, leading to less fluidity. One of his more humorous remarks was about aging, noting he was still younger than Trump.

Clinton’s oratory strength often lies in his ability to quiet a crowd rather than rouse it. During significant portions of his address, the audience listened intently as he shared his perspective on societal progress. He delivered a compelling argument about job creation under different administrations, which resonated with the crowd and drew substantial applause. As he considered how many more conventions he would be able to attend, it became clear that while the Democrats still value Bill Clinton, he is no longer the preferred voice they are eager to hear.

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