“Carry-On,” a new action film set during the festive season, features an ordinary TSA agent named Ethan Kopek, portrayed by Taron Egerton, who must rise to the occasion to save his girlfriend and countless others from a group of villains planning a catastrophic attack. The film presents a thrilling narrative, reminiscent of traditional ’90s action thrillers, with intense moments and unexpected twists.
At the story’s outset, Ethan is just another TSA agent managing the bustling airport on Christmas Eve. However, after villains led by the nefarious Traveler, played by Jason Bateman, threaten his girlfriend Nora (Sofia Carson), Ethan finds himself embroiled in a high-stakes game of cat-and-mouse. The tension escalates when he’s coerced into allowing a bomb-laden suitcase through security, prompting him to take matters into his own hands.
Throughout the film, Ethan evolves into a reluctant hero. As chaos unfolds in the airport, he embarks on a desperate chase, commandeering airport equipment to catch up with a plane preparing for takeoff. The thrilling sequences culminate in a showdown where Ethan must confront the Traveler and disarm the bomb mid-flight, showcasing both courage and resourcefulness.
As the film progresses, viewers witness Ethan confront his past failures while grappling with the pressing need to protect those he loves. His confrontation with the Traveler reveals deeper themes of redemption, with Ethan pushing through self-doubt to embrace responsibility. The climactic moments of the film emphasize the importance of bravery in the face of adversity.
Ultimately, “Carry-On” concludes on a hopeful note, with the narrative spotlighting Ethan’s journey of transformation and familial aspirations. The film fast-forwards to a joyful scene where Ethan, now a father, is traveling to Tahiti with Nora, representing newfound stability and fulfillment. The poignant exchange of Ethan’s police badge underscores his growth and pursuit of his dreams.
Egerton has expressed openness to the prospect of a sequel, hinting at the potential for further exploration of these characters and their adventures. Fans of the genre, especially those fond of films like “Die Hard,” might appreciate the holiday spirit infused throughout this thrilling ride.
As we embrace the holiday season, “Carry-On” serves as a reminder that it’s never too late to pursue our dreams, inspiring us to reflect on themes of courage and love during this festive time.