From ‘Fake It’ to Fabulous: How One Woman Transformed Luxury Travel for the Elite

When Jaclyn Sienna India established Sienna Charles, her travel concierge service, in 2008, she aimed to project success despite a lack of clients.

“Oh, I’m sorry, we’re so busy, we’re really sold out this season with high-net-worth people,” she recalls telling potential clients who called in after reading about her services, while in reality, she had no clients at the time.

Fast forward sixteen years, and India’s strategy of “faking it until I make it” has led to significant success. Her clientele now includes notable figures like former President George W. Bush and celebrities such as Mariah Carey. She exclusively caters to individuals with annual earnings exceeding $100 million, who are accustomed to having everything at their disposal.

India emphasizes that her value lies not in her connections but in the genuine care she provides. Drawing on her experience as a server for five years, she understands the importance of personal attention.

Sienna Charles is renowned for its extensive “black book” of over 2,000 contacts within the hospitality sector, which enables India to craft unforgettable travel and dining experiences.

Her clients often have clear visions of their ideal experiences but lack the means to realize them. India’s talent is in quickly grasping these ideas and bringing them to life. For her, the goal extends beyond accessing prestigious venues; it’s about creating meaningful experiences.

For instance, while she can arrange visits to high-profile restaurants, like the three-Michelin-star French Laundry in Napa, she prioritizes unique dining experiences, often preferring lesser-known venues that might offer more excitement.

India’s services also include extraordinary events, such as organizing a candlelight dinner in Versailles or brunch atop the Arc de Triomphe. She often arranges meals with prominent individuals, like breakfast with the Hermes family or lunch with the Fendi family in Rome.

Her approach isn’t limited to luxury; sometimes her clients’ requests are simple. For instance, when Bush visited Ethiopia, she ensured he had familiar comforts like peanut butter and non-alcoholic beer, along with the warm welcome of local children donning Texas Rangers caps.

“I genuinely care about people,” India emphasizes. By engaging with everyone from cab drivers to restaurant staff, she curates authentic experiences, showcasing that her services extend beyond mere luxury to encompass real connections and genuine moments.

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