Burt, the renowned crocodile who gained fame through his brief appearance in the classic film “Crocodile Dundee,” has passed away at the age of at least 90. His death occurred over the weekend, as confirmed by Crocosaurus Cove, a reptile aquarium located in Darwin, Australia.
Burt was well-known for his strong-willed personality and captivating presence. He made headlines not only as a formidable animal but also as a beloved star among visitors, who were captivated by his fiery temperament. In social media posts, Crocosaurus Cove shared that Burt was a solitary creature, proudly maintaining a bachelor lifestyle during his earlier years at a crocodile farm.
Measuring over 5 meters (16 feet) in length, Burt was a saltwater crocodile caught in the 1980s in the Reynolds River. He became an iconic figure, recognized around the world. His famous brief appearance in “Crocodile Dundee” featured him lunging out of the water, reinforcing his reputation as a mighty predator. However, there was some correction about the scene: the actual crocodile saved by Mick Dundee was reportedly an American alligator, not Burt.
Since 2008, Burt had been a central attraction at Crocosaurus Cove, which boasts the unique “Cage of Death” experience, the only crocodile dive in Australia. Following his passing, the aquarium plans to honor Burt’s legacy with a special commemorative sign that will celebrate his remarkable life and the many interactions he had with both staff and visitors throughout his years there.
While it is sad to lose such a formidable creature, Burt’s memory will live on in the hearts of all who had the chance to witness his magnificent presence. His life serves as a powerful reminder of the awe-inspiring nature of wildlife, encouraging future generations to respect and cherish these incredible animals.