Phil Robertson, the iconic patriarch of the Robertson family from “Duck Dynasty,” is facing significant health challenges, as revealed by his son Jase Robertson on the December 6 episode of the podcast “Unashamed with the Robertson Family.” Jase disclosed that at 78 years old, Phil is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease and is also grappling with a blood disease that is having detrimental effects on his overall health.
Jase expressed concerns about his father’s well-being, stating, “Phil’s not doing well.” He mentioned that doctors are confident about the diagnosis and the blood disease has progressively worsened, exacerbating issues throughout Phil’s body. The combination of health ailments has left Phil struggling significantly, both physically and mentally.
The emotional toll of witnessing their father’s decline has been profound for the Robertson family. Despite his desire to remain active in family projects like their podcast, Phil is physically unable to do so. Jase recounted conversations with his father about his struggles, emphasizing the heartbreaking reality of aging and health deterioration.
Jase and his family are actively working with medical professionals to enhance Phil’s comfort and support his memory, recognizing that the approaches will focus on care rather than cure. The family’s efforts highlight their commitment to ensuring that Phil remains as comfortable as possible during this challenging time.
Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by memory impairment, which is often one of the initial indicators, leading to further cognitive decline and changes in behavior, according to the National Institute on Aging.
While this is a difficult chapter for the Robertson family, their focus on care and support embodies a hopeful approach, emphasizing love and togetherness during challenging times. The family’s willingness to address Phil’s needs openly and candidly serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of family bonds in facing life’s adversities.