Dining Dilemmas: The NYC Reservation Race Heats Up



Securing a dining reservation in New York City has become increasingly difficult, with many popular restaurants now feeling nearly impossible to access. Over the past three years, obtaining a seat at the city’s most sought-after establishments has shifted from a challenge to an ordeal for many diners.

Joel Montaniel, CEO of the booking platform Sevenrooms, noted the dramatic reservation landscape, stating, “There are some restaurants that people can’t get into.” Even restaurateurs themselves have been left without strategies for securing spots at their venues.

The situation has prompted legislative action, with the New York state legislature recently passing a ban on third-party reservation websites like Appointment Trader, which allowed users to resell restaurant slots at prices exceeding $200. This practice had been more common for events like concerts and sporting activities.

Melissa Fleischut, President & CEO of the New York State Restaurant Association, applauded the legislation as a “major victory for the hospitality industry,” indicating it would lessen competition for reservations and protect restaurants from costly cancellations.

Despite these legislative efforts, the enthusiasm for trendy and upscale dining experiences has continued to surpass availability. Travel advisor Jaclyn Sienna India remarked on the pervasive challenges post-COVID: “Every plane is full, every restaurant is full, every hotel is full.”

India, who leads Sienna Charles—a concierge service catering to ultra-wealthy clients—shared insights on securing reservations. Her clientele includes families with fortunes exceeding $100 million, and she has worked with notable figures like George W. Bush and Mariah Carey.

She highlighted that successful access to top dining spots hinges on understanding customer preferences and building relationships with restaurateurs. “People have really moved away from fine dining… The focus has shifted to trendy restaurants where the appeal isn’t just the food, but also the experience of being there,” she explained. The emphasis is now often on the fear of missing out, or FOMO, which adds an element of status to dining experiences.

For those eager to secure their own coveted reservations in New York, India offers guidance on navigating this competitive landscape and identifies which restaurants are currently the hardest to access.

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