The future of the “Dexter” franchise seems uncertain following the dramatic conclusion of “New Blood,” where Michael C. Hall’s iconic character was shot, seemingly marking the end of an era for the serial killer that has fascinated audiences for 15 years. Despite this, Showtime has chosen to introduce a prequel titled “Dexter: Original Sin,” which delves back into Dexter’s past starting in 1991, and presents an unexpected twist: Dexter’s survival.
“Original Sin,” created by Clyde Phillips, attempts to explore Dexter’s early years as he begins his career in law enforcement, but it faces the challenge of revisiting material that fans are already acquainted with from the original series’ flashbacks. While it brings in new characters and updates some familiar ones—such as a reimagined Detective Harry Morgan played by Christian Slater—the series must grapple with rehashing well-known events and character arcs. The dynamic between Dexter and his sister, Deb, is also featured, with scenes that intertwine family drama and dark humor.
The show is heavily infused with nostalgia, from its casting choices to its soundtrack, which includes iconic ‘90s tracks that evoke a sense of familiarity. However, critics have voiced concerns that this reliance on nostalgia may not offer anything fresh to viewers, as it resembles more of a re-exploration of past storylines rather than a compelling new narrative.
Despite its shortcomings, “Dexter: Original Sin” presents an opportunity for longtime fans to re-engage with the franchise. The nostalgia factor, while criticized, might also appeal to an audience eager to see familiar characters in new contexts. With the first episode available on Paramount+ and set to premiere on Showtime, viewers will soon be able to judge for themselves if this journey into Dexter’s past breathes new life into the beloved series.
In summary, while “Dexter: Original Sin” may have a tough path ahead due to its ties to the original series, there is potential within its nostalgic framework to capture audience interest. Fans eager to explore more about Dexter’s origins might find value in this new chapter. As the franchise continues to evolve, it is a testament to the enduring intrigue of Dexter Morgan’s character.