The future of the “Dexter” franchise may appear uncertain following the dramatic conclusion of the sequel series “New Blood,” in which Michael C. Hall’s iconic character seemingly met his end. However, the impending arrival of the prequel series “Dexter: Original Sin” seeks to breathe new life into the narrative. This new ten-episode season explores Dexter’s early years, dating back to 1991 when the 20-year-old character, played by Patrick Gibson, embarks on his journey as a police intern.
Created by original showrunner Clyde Phillips, “Original Sin” also introduces a twist by revealing that Dexter survived the events of “New Blood.” These happenings are presented as reflections from Dexter’s consciousness while he is on an operating table, intriguingly blurring the lines between past and present. The hope is that this exploration of Dexter’s origins might rekindle interest in the character, even as it risks redundancy given the franchise’s previous heavy reliance on flashbacks.
Critics point out that the series struggles with familiarity, as much of Dexter’s lore is well-established. For instance, the characters Batista and Masuka are introduced in ways that mirror their roles in the original series, and some elements, such as Dexter’s early killing methods, retain a sense of repetition. While some characters, such as Maria LaGuerta, receive new backstories, they do not stray far from their established personalities.
Despite these challenges, “Original Sin” potentially brings a new flavor to the franchise, showcasing a blend of family drama and mystery intertwined with Dexter’s dark inclinations. There is an element of nostalgia that could attract fans, particularly with familiar faces appearing alongside seasoned actors like Sarah Michelle Gellar and Patrick Dempsey.
The first episode of “Dexter: Original Sin” is now available for viewing on Paramount+ and is set to premiere on Showtime on December 15. While the show faces the challenge of resonating with an audience that already knows much about its protagonist, it holds the promise of diving deeper into the psyche of Dexter Morgan.
In summary, while the “Dexter” franchise navigates a complex landscape of established lore, “Original Sin” presents an opportunity to explore untold stories, and the potential for creativity still exists. This prequel may offer new insights and perhaps even rekindle the intrigue of audiences old and new.