The beloved yet controversial character, Dexter Morgan, is making a return in a highly anticipated new series titled “Dexter: Original Sin.” Slated to debut this month, the show will take viewers back to the formative years of Dexter, known for his complex duality as both a vigilante and a serial killer.
Featuring Patrick Gibson in the role of a young Dexter, the series is set against the backdrop of Miami in 1991. It showcases Dexter’s life with his sister Debra and his adoptive father, Harry, a homicide detective. While the early episodes may start with the appearance of a typical family life, the narrative will quickly shift to reliving Dexter’s gradual descent into his darker compulsions.
Fans of the original “Dexter” series, which aired from 2006 to 2013, can look forward to familiar faces and voices, including Michael C. Hall, who returns as Dexter’s inner voice, and Christian Slater as Harry. Additionally, recurring characters such as Angel Batista, played by James Martinez, will also make appearances, along with executive producer and writer Clyde Phillips.
“Dexter: Original Sin” arrives on Paramount+ with Showtime on December 13 and will be available on Showtime on December 15 at 10 p.m. ET/PT. Streaming options include Paramount+, along with the Showtime app, which can be accessed through platforms like Hulu, Prime Video, or YouTube TV for $12.99 monthly. First-time users of Paramount+ can enjoy a free seven-day trial.
The new series continues to build on Dexter’s popularity, which has already inspired additional spin-offs, such as “Dexter: New Blood” and the upcoming “Dexter: Resurrection.”
As audiences prepare for this fresh chapter in Dexter’s twisted story, it is a reminder that the character continues to captivate viewers, exploring the complexities of morality and justice through a lens that invites both intrigue and moral dilemmas.
Overall, “Dexter: Original Sin” promises to enrich the existing narrative and provide fans with an intriguing glimpse into the origins of a character that many have come to love despite his dark tendencies. For those eager for a gripping dive into the psyche of one of television’s most iconic figures, this series is sure to deliver.