Rescue efforts are actively underway in Mayotte, a French island located in the Indian Ocean, following the destruction wrought by Cyclone Chido over the weekend. Residents are describing the aftermath as akin to “apocalyptic scenes,” marking it as the worst storm to hit the region in nearly a century. The cyclone has left significant destruction in its wake, with visuals from the isolated island showcasing devastated neighborhoods.
Many communities on the island remain isolated, facing a dire situation as electricity, internet, and telephone services have sustained severe damage. Consequently, the full scale of the devastation is still being assessed. While initial reports confirm at least twenty fatalities, local officials caution that the reality may be much graver, with estimates suggesting that the death toll could climb to hundreds, or potentially even several thousand.
Compounding the crisis, there are reports of critical shortages of food and clean water among the population. A Belgian midwife residing in Mayotte expressed concerns about the feelings of abandonment among residents as local authorities strive to facilitate the delivery of essential supplies.
Fortunately, Cyclone Chido has since been downgraded to a depression and has moved onto the African continent following its landfall in Mozambique. This shift may signal an opportunity for relief efforts to step up and provide the necessary support to those affected.
As rescue operations continue, hope remains that the international community will rally to support Mayotte, helping to provide much-needed aid and resources as the island embarks on a long and challenging recovery journey.