David Schwimmer, best known for his roles in both comedic and dramatic television, is set to star in “Goosebumps: The Vanishing,” which premieres on Disney+ and Hulu on January 10. This new installment of the anthology series brings horror to the forefront while balancing elements of comedy and drama, a unique combination that Schwimmer is thrilled to explore.
The story follows fraternal twins Devin and Cece as they navigate life with their recently divorced father, Anthony, played by Schwimmer. The siblings soon uncover a threat lurking in the shadows, pulling them into a mystery tied to the disappearance of four teenagers in 1994. They are joined by their friends Alex, CJ, and Frankie in their quest for the truth.
In a recent interview, Schwimmer expressed his excitement about the project, stating that he has always been a fan of horror but has never had the chance to act in the genre. He described the blend of action, comedy, horror, and drama as a dream come true. His heartfelt connection to the project also stems from wanting to create something that resonates with younger viewers, especially his own child.
To achieve the right tone, Schwimmer collaborated closely with series co-creator Rob Letterman and showrunner Hilary Winston. He emphasized the importance of grounding the horror elements in authentic emotions and experiences, drawing inspiration from classic horror films like “Rosemary’s Baby” and “The Shining.” Schwimmer tackled the challenge of introducing humor in intense situations by underplaying his character’s reactions and relying on his co-creators’ guidance.
The series is designed to appeal to multiple generations, balancing scares and family-friendly humor. Schwimmer believes that the diverse young cast plays a crucial role in helping viewers relate to the characters on screen. He noted that the show manages to create suspense without resorting to gratuitous violence, allowing viewers to feel secure even amidst spooky moments.
As the premiere date approaches, Schwimmer eagerly anticipates the audience’s reactions, particularly from younger fans who cherish the original “Goosebumps” books. He expressed confidence that Disney+ is the perfect platform for this series, as it captures the essence of the beloved franchise while providing an engaging and safe viewing experience.
In summary, “Goosebumps: The Vanishing” promises to deliver a captivating blend of genres that will entertain viewers of all ages, making it a much-anticipated addition to Disney+ and Hulu’s offerings. With nostalgia for older fans and relatability for younger ones, the series stands to evoke a strong, positive response from its audience.