The highly anticipated first installment of the new DC Universe, “Creature Commandos,” made its debut on December 5, 2024, rolling out its two-episode premiere. Each episode runs for 23 minutes, offering a tight narrative filled with the unmistakable whimsy and eccentricity that James Gunn is known for.
The opening episode dives into contemporary political issues within its fictional realm. It features a group of men’s rights activists whose support for a villain reflects on absurdity in their quest for equal rights to “waterfalls.” The Creature Commandos, led by characters Rick Flag Sr., voiced by Frank Grillo, and Amanda Waller, voiced by Viola Davis, are tasked with executing missions that align with U.S. oil interests. Grillo’s voice performance quickly stands out, showcasing his talent in this new medium, although some critics noted that Davis’s delivery felt somewhat lackluster.
As the team is introduced, fans will recognize a format reminiscent of both “Suicide Squad” films. Among the characters are Doctor Phosphorus, a man with irradiated skin; The Bride, a walking corpse; Weasel, a quirky humanoid weasel; G.I. Robot, known for his humorous fixation on defeating Nazis; and Nina Mazursky, a fish-like character. A notable shift has occurred as Amanda Waller now leads a group of metahumans, called Task Force M, as human operatives are no longer allowed to participate in missions.
The animation style for the opening credits draws on both modern and vintage aesthetics, effectively complementing the overall tone of the show. Gunn’s inclusion of an animated version of himself may raise some eyebrows, but it reflects his unique brand of humor and self-awareness. While the series successfully introduces the team and their mission, some elements may be overly reminiscent of the franchise’s past.
In the second episode, the narrative builds further by developing The Bride’s backstory and deepening the main conflict. However, criticisms arise regarding the portrayal of certain characters, particularly a princess who serves mainly as eye candy for Rick Flag Sr. The episode delivers thrilling action sequences, especially featuring The Bride battling various foes, yet some aspects of her story may be off-putting for viewers due to its unsettling themes.
Overall, while “Creature Commandos” showcases excellent voice acting and animation quality, the brevity of each episode limits character development and plot progression. However, there is hope that future episodes can expand on themes and narratives more profoundly, making room for a fantastic foundation in the new DC Universe. The show’s quirky energy and unique animated format may entice many viewers, even if it initially feels reminiscent of earlier entries in the franchise.
A final rating of 7/10 suggests a promising start, leaving audiences eager to see how the series will evolve in the episodes to come.