On January 13, 2025, a remarkable astronomical event took place as the Full Wolf Moon engaged in a cosmic performance with Mars. The event, known as a lunar occultation, occurred when the full moon passed directly in front of Mars, causing the Red Planet to seemingly disappear from our view for a short period. This enchanting sight was visible from large portions of North America and western Africa.
This lunar occultation coincided with Mars approaching its opposition on January 15, when it would be at its brightest as it sits directly opposite the sun from Earth’s perspective. Adding to the spectacle, Mars had also recently reached perigee on January 12, creating an illusion of the planet appearing larger in the night sky.
Many enthusiastic observers and photographers seized the moment to capture stunning images of the event. Charlotte, North Carolina’s Peter Jay captured the Red Planet as it lingered above the moon’s northern limb, documenting the celestial encounter as it unfolded over nearly an hour.
In Plantation, Florida, Lisa Shislowski expressed her excitement about the picturesque scene. She described observing the vibrant Wolf Moon rising through the clouds, with Mars just beside it before the occultation.
Josh Dagenais, photographing from Hanover Park, Illinois, shared his experience of witnessing this extraordinary event while braving freezing temperatures. He noted the conditions worked in his favor, making the experience even more memorable.
Photographer Michael Tyo, situated in Marlboro, Massachusetts, used advanced equipment to document the occultation in detail, while David J. Kim from Newtown, Pennsylvania also captured the cosmic dance with impressive clarity.
Even in places outside the lunar occultation’s path, the Full Wolf Moon left an impression. For instance, in Sydney, Australia, Robbie Pesiwarissa took advantage of a fleeting moment to photograph the moon against a backdrop of city landmarks, while Yasuyoshi Chiba captured beautiful images of the full moon over South Korean flags in Seoul. Storied NASA photographer Bill Ingalls also documented the moon rising over the Lincoln Memorial in Arlington, Virginia.
Overall, this event not only provided a stunning visual spectacle for skywatchers but also reminded us of the wonders of celestial mechanics and the beauty we can find in nature. Notably, as Mars approaches its opposition, enthusiasts can look forward to even more exciting astronomy events in the coming days, such as lunar eclipses.