“Carry-On” is an exhilarating action film set around the Christmas season, revolving around Ethan Kopek, a TSA agent portrayed by Taron Egerton. On Christmas Eve, amidst the holiday hustle and bustle, Ethan finds himself facing a deadly threat when a group of assassins, led by the villain known as the Traveler (played by Jason Bateman), blackmail him into allowing a bomb-laden suitcase to pass through airport security. The stakes elevate drastically when the Traveler threatens to kill Ethan’s girlfriend, Nora (Sofia Carson), if he doesn’t comply.
As the narrative unfolds, Ethan navigates tense and life-threatening moments that gradually transform him from an average security worker into a determined action hero reminiscent of iconic characters like John McClane. Egerton describes the movie as a nostalgic nod to ’90s action-thrillers with a gripping storyline that promises nonstop intrigue from the outset.
The film reaches a dramatic climax as Ethan’s efforts to thwart the bomb threat culminate in a heart-pounding confrontation on an airplane. After cleverly switching the bomb’s controls to manual, Ethan faces a relentless and dangerous foe in the Traveler. The suspense builds when Ethan discovers that he possesses the missing deadly nerve agent, setting the stage for a showdown in the airplane’s cargo hold.
In a gripping turn of events, Ethan ultimately traps the Traveler in an enclosed space, utilizing his quick wit and courage to save those on board, at the cost of his own safety. With the villain neutralized, Ethan and Nora share a hopeful reunion, signaling a fresh start in their lives.
The film concludes with a touching scene that brings the narrative full circle, showcasing Ethan happily traveling with Nora and their newborn to Tahiti. This ending reinforces themes of pursuing dreams and the possibility of new beginnings, especially poignant during the holiday season.
Egerton expresses a desire for a possible sequel, hinting at the potential for further adventures. Both he and Bateman have delivered captivating performances, weaving humor and tension that echo classic action films, including the timeless “Die Hard,” which Egerton firmly considers a Christmas movie.
“Carry-On” not only entertains with its action-packed sequences but also resonates with audiences through its themes of love, sacrifice, and self-discovery, positioning it as a unique addition to the Christmas movie genre.
In summary, “Carry-On” is more than just an action film; it embodies a heartwarming holiday message that dreams are worth pursuing and that even in the face of overwhelming odds, personal courage and love can lead to triumph. This innovation in storytelling presents a hopeful narrative, encouraging viewers to believe in second chances and the joy of family during the festive season.