On January 13, 2025, a celestial spectacle captivated skywatchers as the Full Wolf Moon engaged in a stunning lunar occultation with Mars, where the Red Planet appeared to vanish behind the moon. This enchanting event occurred just days before Mars reached its opposition on January 15, meaning it was positioned directly opposite the Sun from Earth, making it especially bright in the night sky. Adding to the excitement, Mars had just passed its perigee on January 12, bringing it even closer to Earth, which enhanced its visibility.
The lunar occultation was visible across large portions of North America and western Africa, and numerous photographers documented the event. Peter Jay, from Charlotte, North Carolina, captured Mars peeking above the moon’s northern limb during the nearly hour-long phenomenon. Meanwhile, Lisa Shislowski, chiming in from Plantation, Florida, shared her delight of witnessing the vibrant Full Wolf Moon rising before the lunar dance with Mars commenced.
Photographer Josh Dagenais from Hanover Park, Illinois, recounts his experience braving the cold temperatures to witness Mars and the moon aligning from his driveway. This was his first encounter with such an astronomical event, and he expressed anticipation for the upcoming solar eclipse in March.
Other observers, such as Michael Tyo from Marlboro, Massachusetts, and David J. Kim from Newtown, Pennsylvania, also successfully captured the moment Mars lingered behind the Full Wolf Moon. Meanwhile, not all photographers were able to witness the occultation; some, like Robbie Pesiwarissa in Sydney, Australia, enjoyed the moon’s beauty against a summer twilight backdrop, even as clouds soon obscured it.
As the Full Wolf Moon glowed in the sky, Yasuyoshi Chiba documented its radiant ascent above South Korean flags in Seoul. NASA photographer Bill Ingalls also captured the moon rising majestically over iconic landmarks like the Lincoln Memorial in Arlington, Virginia.
This captivating cosmic event serves as a reminder of the beauty and wonder of the universe, eliciting enthusiasm among both seasoned astronomers and casual observers alike. With the moon and Mars making headlines together, the excitement builds for future astronomical phenomena, including the eclipse anticipated in March.
By observing these celestial events, individuals can experience a shared connection with the vast universe, encompassing moments of wonder and common interest that bridge distances across the globe.