On January 13, 2025, the celestial event of a lunar occultation delighted skywatchers as the Full Wolf Moon passed directly in front of Mars. This phenomenon, which made Mars appear to vanish behind the moon from certain vantage points on Earth, coincided with Mars approaching opposition, set for January 15, marking its brightest visibility in the night sky.
This spectacular event captured the attention of many photographers across North America and western Africa, who documented the various phases of the occultation, lasting just under an hour. One of the standout moments was captured by photographer Peter Jay in Charlotte, North Carolina, who managed to photograph Mars as it slipped behind the northern limb of the moon.
Florida resident Lisa Shislowski described the experience as “filled with excitement,” as she watched the full moon rise through clouds at Vista View Park, creating a vibrant backdrop for the imminent lunar occultation. Similarly, Josh Dagenais from Hanover Park, Illinois shared his enthusiasm, stating that braving the cold temperatures of 13°F was worthwhile to witness Mars so close to the moon.
Several other photographers also reported their unique observations, including Michael Tyo in Marlboro, Massachusetts, who utilized a powerful lens to capture Mars during the occultation. In South Korea, Yasuyoshi Chiba found the full moon beautifully framed above national flags before sunrise on January 14.
With Mars recently having passed its closest approach to Earth (perigee) on January 12, the combination of these celestial events gave stargazers an extraordinary opportunity to witness and photograph Mars in a distinctive way.
As we approach the winter months, astronomy enthusiasts can look forward to future events like the upcoming eclipse in March, potentially bringing more breathtaking moments in the night sky. This event not only offers an opportunity to appreciate the wonders of our universe but also inspires a sense of connection among those who take the time to look up and explore the celestial dance between our closest lunar neighbor and the Red Planet.