Three Kings Day, also known as Día De Reyes, is a Catholic feast celebrated on January 6th, particularly among Hispanic communities. The event is marked by the sharing of a special sweet bread called Rosca de Reyes, which has small figurines representing baby Jesus hidden inside.
Families and friends come together for this festive occasion, enjoying the Rosca, which symbolizes the visit of the three wise men—Melchior, Gaspar, and Balthazar—to baby Jesus. A notable aspect of this tradition is that finding a figurine in the bread signifies the person’s responsibility to host a gathering on February 2nd, known as Día de la Candelaria.
Local businesses, such as Los Reyes Market in Bakersfield, have been preparing for the holiday by baking thousands of roscas in anticipation of the celebrations. Francisco Huerta, the general manager of the market, mentioned that they produced around 2,000 roscas leading up to the holiday. Families often kick off the festivities a day early, with children placing shoes out for gifts from the wise men.
Rosca de Reyes is more than just a treat; it carries cultural significance and is a way for families to connect with their heritage and traditions. This annual event not only emphasizes family and community but also preserves the rich customs of the past, ensuring that such beloved practices continue for generations to come.
Overall, Three Kings Day is a beautiful reminder of unity and tradition, encouraging families to come together and celebrate their shared history. This year could be a chance for new recipes and variations on the traditional Rosca, bringing a fresh twist to this age-old celebration.