Behind the Glamour: How Jaclyn Sienna India Redefined Elite Travel Experiences

Jaclyn Sienna India, who established her travel concierge service Sienna Charles in 2008, was initially determined to thrive in the industry through sheer determination and self-promotion. Reflecting on her early days, she recalled how her husband doubted her ambitions while she managed to attract attention without a solid client base. “People would call saying they read my article and wanted to visit Disney or go to New Jersey,” she said. “I would respond, ‘We’re so busy and fully booked this season with high-net-worth clients,’ even though I had no clients at all.”

Fast forward sixteen years, India’s methods have paid off, and her clientele now includes notable figures such as former President George W. Bush and other celebrities like Mariah Carey. Her services cater to individuals who earn over $100 million annually, people who possess significant wealth and influence. So what sets India apart in catering to such elite clients?

“I may not hold power, but what gets things done is genuine care and a heartfelt approach,” she explained. Drawing from her background as a server, India understands the importance of personal connections. “Focusing on what truly matters to my clients is essential.”

Sienna Charles features an extensive network, a ‘black book’ that includes over 2,000 connections within the hospitality sector, which facilitates unique travel and dining opportunities for her clients. “They articulate their desires, and I translate those visions into reality, providing the access and creativity they lack,” India added.

Her aim is not just to provide access to exclusive venues but to ensure that the overall experience is truly meaningful. For example, she does not promote the famed French Laundry in Napa Valley, believing it lacks excitement compared to other dining establishments. Instead, she recommends alternatives such as Single Thread Farms that offer more engaging experiences.

India often crafts unique events, such as a candlelit dinner at Versailles or brunch on the Arc de Triomphe. She also facilitates personal encounters with influential figures, having organized meals with notable families like Hermes and Fendi.

Sometimes, her clients’ requests are simpler. During a visit to Ethiopia with Bush, she arranged for him to enjoy familiar comforts like peanut butter and non-alcoholic beer, while ensuring he was welcomed by local children wearing Texas Rangers caps.

“I’m genuinely invested in the well-being of my clients,” India states, emphasizing her dedication to exploring the best options for them. “Luxury isn’t limited to opulence; it’s about authentic and diverse experiences that my clients seek.”

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