Burt, the iconic crocodile recognized for his role in the classic Australian film “Crocodile Dundee,” has passed away over the weekend at the remarkable age of 90. The news was shared by the Australian crocodile park where he spent his later years, Crocosaurus Cove, through an Instagram post on Sunday.
According to Crocosaurus Cove, Burt was not just a crocodile, but rather a symbol of nature’s beauty and strength. The park stated, “Burt was truly one of a kind. He was a force of nature and a reminder of the power and majesty of these incredible creatures.”
Burt gained fame from his appearance in the 1986 film directed by Peter Fairman, in which he co-starred alongside Paul Hogan, who portrayed the adventurous crocodile hunter, Michael J. “Crocodile” Dundee. One of Burt’s most unforgettable scenes was when he showcased his ferocity by attacking an American reporter played by Linda Kozlowski.
The film struck a chord with audiences, resulting in two sequels and solidifying Burt’s status as a cinematic icon. Originally captured in the Reynolds River during the 1980s, he played a significant role in shaping Australia’s national image as a place of breathtaking natural beauty and remarkable wildlife.
Upon moving to Crocosaurus Cove in 2008, Burt quickly emerged as an ambassador for crocodile education, captivating visitors from around the world with his impressive size and commanding presence, especially during feeding times. The park is taking steps to honor his legacy by erecting a commemorative sign to celebrate his extraordinary life and the interactions he had with visitors.
As stated by the park, “As we mourn his loss, we are reminded of the vital role wildlife plays in our shared history and the importance of preserving it for future generations.” Burt’s life embodies a story of strength and resilience while inspiring many to value and protect wildlife.
In summary, Burt’s remarkable journey from the wild to the big screen and ultimately to Crocosaurus Cove leaves behind a legacy that will continue to educate and inspire future generations about the wonders of wildlife and the need for conservation. His lasting impact remains a testament to the connection between humans and nature, reinforcing the importance of safeguarding our natural heritage.
His story serves as a hopeful reminder that through understanding and respect for wildlife, we can nurture an appreciation for the natural world that surrounds us.