Authorities have successfully located two young children after issuing an Amber Alert in Fresno, California. The siblings, aged five and six, are now safe following their return to law enforcement by two individuals implicated in their alleged kidnapping, including their biological mother, 29-year-old Makenzie Morelli, who did not have legal custody of the children, and 57-year-old David Steen.
The situation unfolded around midnight when deputies responded to a report of both burglary and kidnapping. The children’s legal guardian, their biological aunt, disclosed that she was also assaulted during the incident when four suspects entered her home.
“A whole Amber Alert went out because of this,” stated Ashley Ritchie with the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office. “People in this entire county and the surrounding counties were woken up at 2 o’clock in the morning because of this. So, it is very serious.”
Ritchie noted that the alert possibly prompted the suspects to return the children, mentioning, “It’s likely the alleged kidnapper saw the Amber Alert on her phone and decided it was best to bring the children back.” This rapid response highlights the critical importance of Amber Alerts in ensuring child safety.
California Highway Patrol Officer Adrian Gonzalez emphasized the need for vigilance in issuing Amber Alerts, stating, “These alerts are of utmost importance, and we ensure that they are only put out after all steps are verified.”
While the family is relieved that the children are safe, the ordeal remains a traumatic experience for everyone involved. Ritchie added, “All we want is the best for the children, and we’re grateful that it turned out this way, but it’s undoubtedly going to be a terrifying situation for those kids.”
Investigators continue their search for two additional suspects and are urging anyone with information to contact the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office.
This incident serves as a poignant reminder of the power of community awareness and swift law enforcement actions, which can lead to the safe recovery of children in distressing situations.
In summary, while the circumstances of the event were alarming, the effective use of the Amber Alert system ensured that the children were returned safely, showcasing a positive outcome in a troubling scenario.