In Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Bob Fernandez, a U.S. Navy veteran who turns 100 this year, recalls the chaotic and devastating events of December 7, 1941, vividly. He enlisted as a teenager, hoping to travel and enjoy life, but shortly after joining, he found himself enduring the horrors of the Japanese bombing during the attack on Pearl Harbor.
On that fateful day, Fernandez, then serving on the USS Curtiss, was thrust into a life-and-death struggle as he passed ammunition to his ship’s gunners under fire. “When those things go off like that, we didn’t know what’s what… We didn’t even know we were in a war,” he reflects on his experience.
This Saturday marks the 83rd anniversary of the attack, which claimed over 2,300 U.S. servicemen’s lives, including 1,177 sailors and Marines aboard the USS Arizona, whose remnants lie submerged and serve as a solemn reminder of the event. Fernandez planned to attend the remembrance ceremony alongside other survivors, military personnel, and members of the public, but his health issues have made it impossible.
As the years go by, the number of Pearl Harbor survivors dwindles; now only 16 remain. Fernandez, who claims he is “not a hero” but simply did his duty, often shares the poignant experiences of that day, recalling with sensitivity the fear and chaos felt by himself and his fellow sailors. The ceremony will feature a moment of silence coinciding with the attack’s start time and will include aircraft flying over in a missing man formation to honor the fallen.
In the years following the war, Fernandez made a life for himself, working in a cannery and embracing his love for music and dancing, still engaging with life despite the losses he’s faced, including the passing of his beloved wife, Mary, in 2014.
This Saturday’s ceremony serves not only as a poignant reminder of the past but also as an opportunity to honor the resilience of veterans like Fernandez. As the world continues to remember the sacrifices made during World War II, it reflects a lasting legacy of courage, community, and the importance of remembrance.
With each gathering, stories like Fernandez’s ensure that these historical moments are not forgotten, fostering a spirit of hope and connection among veterans and civilians alike, as they reflect on the sacrifices made for freedom.