This holiday season, “Carpool Karaoke” presents its inaugural Christmas special, titled “A Carpool Karaoke Christmas,” which will be available for streaming on Apple TV. The special features performances and conversations with pop icons Dua Lipa, Chappell Roan, and Lady Gaga, though each star has their own unique segment driving through various cities alongside Zane Lowe, the host of Apple Music’s interview series.
Originally part of James Corden’s “The Late Late Show,” “Carpool Karaoke” garnered immense popularity, leading to its development into a full series on Apple TV. The concept captures the charm of seeing music legends in a more relatable setting as they sing hits and share personal anecdotes, embodying the spirit of “stars, they’re just like us!”
Chappell Roan kicks off the special, bringing Lowe to her hometown in Missouri. A poignant moment arises as she performs “Pink Pony Club,” a song infused with familial themes, moving her parents to tears. They express pride in Roan’s journey while discussing the importance of love and respect. The segment also highlights Roan’s nostalgic connection with childhood friends as they reminisce over ice cream and her early music endeavors.
Dua Lipa’s segment takes viewers to Tokyo, where she performs tracks including “New Rules” amid discussions about breakups and personal growth. Lipa reflects on her experiences as the “breakup anthem queen,” emphasizing the powerful impact her music has on listeners who find solace in her lyrics.
Lady Gaga wraps up the special with a lively drive in Los Angeles, treating viewers to performances of her festive tunes, including “Christmas Tree.” In a delightful surprise, Brian Johnson of AC/DC makes a cameo during her segment. Throughout the performance, Gaga infuses her distinctive flair, donning a vibrant orange wig inspired by her music video collaboration with Bruno Mars. The special concludes with a creative twist as Gaga and Lowe put a grunge-rock spin on the classic “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town,” now available on streaming platforms.
With this special, fans can experience a heartfelt blend of holiday cheer, nostalgia, and camaraderie among their favorite artists. Zane Lowe expressed his excitement, stating that it was a wonderful experience to drive such talented musicians and bring this festive joy to fans worldwide.
In summary, “A Carpool Karaoke Christmas” delivers not just performances but also emotional journeys, connecting fans with the artists they admire on a personal level this holiday season. It’s a reminder that music remains a powerful source of connection and celebration, especially during this time of year.